Wednesday, October 9, 2019

First line Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

First line Managment - Essay Example Various studies have postulated that most executives and first line managers tend to be unaware of the various issues until they come out of hand and become a crisis that is very complicated and hard to resolve. Most of these can be avoided only through learning of the skills that enable the first line managers implement strategies for ongoing employee performance success though on the general it is necessary that companies or the groups have a game plan intact. Amongst the issues affecting performance include the working environments, the attitude of the employees towards the organization and the management in general, employees morale and most importantly the leadership style of the organization as regards to addressing employees grievances (Katzenbach and Smith 1993). 1.1 The manager’s role in identifying performance issues in a team Various studies have indicated that the act of holding employees accountable has proved to be the most effective in ensuring consistency in cl arity for performance expectations. This has been propagated as the most important element necessary for motivating work environment. For the managers, a career defining moment for most managers arises during instances where decisions are to be made as regards to addressing or opting to ignore the performance problems. The first step role the manager in identifying performance issues in a team includes devising parameters for performance. When a manager knows what is expected of his employees, then he is in a better position of determining whether the employees are able to reach their targets or not (Katzenbach and Smith 1993). When the manager sets the parameter s for a desirable behaviour or performance, the important thing to keep in view is on how poor performance or undesirable behaviour has effects on not only the organization, but also the employees and the customers. This plays a significant role in enabling the manager has a clear view of the desirable behaviour thus conseq uently placing him in a better position to analyze the employees’ performance. However, the manager should be very keen while analysing performance so that focus is not given to people issues but instead on their performance. Previous researches have shown that employing a subjective view during performance analysis might lead to confrontations between the manager and the employees. When performance problems are identified early, it plays a significant role in helping both the manager and the employee to reach an amicable solution to most of the problems. The main reason behind is on the manager who is entitled with the responsibility of leading the process and coming up with a solution that will initiate a positive development that will in the end benefit the employees and the organization as a whole. It should always never be forgotten that the main purpose of the process has always been to resolve the problem and be a valued employee. 1.2 How to evaluate individual and tea m performance and behaviours Performance evaluation has proved to be important in providing employers with an opportunity to establish their employees’ behaviour and determine their contribution to the organization which is critical to developing a powerful work team. Numerous

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